Talks on Buddhist Suttas by Bhante Vimalaramsi and Delson Armstrong- A variety of suttas is discussed and what they mean. We teach Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) . We teach the BrahmaVihara Metta (Lovingkindness) practice with the goal of attaining Nibbana in this very life.
Sunday May 06, 2018
2018 Easter Retreat No.5 Day 9 To Saccaka MN 35 April 4, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
Last Day of the 2018 Easter Retreat in San Juan Bautista, Cal.
To Saccaka MN 35 April 4, 2018
Saturday Mar 24, 2018
Journey of Forgiveness with Bhante Vimalaramsi
Saturday Mar 24, 2018
Saturday Mar 24, 2018
Bhante Vimalaramsi talks about how to use Forgiveness and how to practice it. He describes some poignent memories from his past.
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Some people say lay people cannot attain Nibbana, only monks. Not true, this sutta explains that hundreds and thousands of lay people attained all of the stages of enlightenment.
So go to a retreat - Nibbana is possible for you!
“Good, Gotama, wait! Is there a single bhikkhu a disciple of Gotama, who has destroyed desires, has released the mind from desires and released through wisdom, abiding, here and now?' `Vaccha, not one, not one hundred, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred. There are many more bhikkhus, disciples of mine, who have destroyed desires, the mind released from desires and released through wisdom, here and now abiding,' `Good, Gotama, wait! Let alone bhikkhus. Is there a single bhikkhuni a disciple of Gotama, who has destroyed desires has released the mind from desires and released through wisdom, here and now, have realised?' `Vaccha, not one, not one hundred, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred. There are many, more bhikkhunis, disciples of mine, who have destroyed desires, the mind released from desires and released through wisdom, here and now realising abide'. `Good, Gotama, wait! Other than bhikkhus, and bhikkhunis. Is there a single lay disciple of Gotama, who wearing white clothes had led the holy life, has destroyed the five lower bonds to the sensual world, and is born spontaneously, not to proceed?' `Vaccha, not one, not one hundred, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred. There are many more lay disciples of mine, who have destroyed the five lower bonds to the sensual world, and born spontaneously would not proceed,' `Good, Gotama, wait! Other thanbhikkhus, bhikkhunis and lay disciples of Gotama, who wear white clothes and lead the holy life. Is there a single a lay disciple, who wears white clothes, leads the holy life, while partaking sensual pleasures, and doing the work in the dispensation has dispelled doubts. Has become confident of what should and should not be done, and does not need a teacher any more in the dispensation of the Teacher. Vaccha, not one, not one hundred, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred. There are many more lay disciples of mine, wearing white clothes leadingthe holy life, while partaking sensual pleasures and doing the work in the dispensation have dispelled doubts Have become confident of what should and should not be done and do not need a teacher any more,'
`Good, Gotama, wait! Other than the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, the lay disciples who have arisen spontaneously and will not proceed, and the ones who have entered the stream of the Teaching and are confident, is there a single female lay disciple of good Gotama. Who wears white clothes leads the holy life has destroyed the five lower bonds to the sensual world, and is born spontaneously not to proceed' `Vaccha, not one, not one hundred, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred. There are many more female lay disciples of mine, who have destroyed the five lower bonds to the sensual world, and are born spontaneously not to proceed,' `Good, Gotama, wait! Other than the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, lay disciples arisen spontaneously who would not proceed and the ones who have entered the stream of the Teaching and are confident and the lay female disciples who have arisen apontaneously not to proceed is there is a single female lay disciple. Who wears white clothes leads the holy life, while partaking sensual pleasures, anddoing the work in the dispensation has dispelled doubts, has become confident, of what should and should not be done and does not need a teacher any more. `'Vaccha, not one, not one hundred, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred. There are many more female lay disciples of mine wearing white clothes lead the holy life, while partaking sensual pleasures, doing the work in the dispensation have dispelled doubts. Have become confident of what should and should not be done. They do not need a teacher any more in the dispensation of the Teacher.
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
"An Effective Method to Dissolving Blocks to Loving-Kindness and Living in the Present Moment"
Spoken by David Johnson
From "Guide to Forgiveness Meditation" by Vimalaramsi
Apparently, in some cases, if we do get into trouble with generating lovingkindness, we can clear the runway for our Mindfulness of Loving-Kindness to take off by first learning to use Mindfulness of Forgiveness meditation. This is an extremely powerful and cleansing practice. Forgiveness is a form of loving-kindness that really clears our mind of negative or unwholesome states.
Monday Jan 08, 2018
2016 Dhamma Discussion Bhante V and Punnaji Part 2
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Bhante Vimalaramsi and Punnaji discuss Dhamma at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center June 2016.
Part 2 Covered:
40 Kinds of Meditation
What is the meaning of Satipatthana?
Vissudhi Magga and it's influence
9 Insight knowledges -- Origin of Vipassana
Concentration and suppressing of Hindrances vs Allowing
Ekaggata Definition
Recorded:6-27-16 Part 2 of 2
Where: DMSC
Talk by Bhante Vimalaramsi and Bhante Punnaji of Malaysia
The Path of TWIM is explained in this book:
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
2016 Dhamma Discussion Bhante V and Punnaji Part 1
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Bhante Vimalaramsi and Punnaji discuss Dhamma at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center June 2016.
What is the definition of Samadhi?
What is Tranquil Wisdom? What makes it so effective - what is the relax step?
Jhanas, meditation, sutta study, loving-kindness, metta, Brahmaviharas
Where: DMSC
Talk by Bhante Vimalaramsi and Bhante Punnaji of Malaysia
The Path of TWIM is explained in this book:
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Brief Loving-kindness / Metta Instructions
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
These are the instructions for loving-kindness meditation for beginners. These are directions from the suttas adding the tranquilize step for fast and quick practice to awakening!
For more go to www.dhammasukha.org
Recorded by David Johnson
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Majjhima Nikaya #52 Nibbana is possible from the first jhana
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Talk during the Easter Retreat April 14, 2017 MN 52
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Bhante tells How He found TWIM
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
In this short episode Bhante explains the path that got him to the Suttas and the discovery of the missing step. Some sound quality issues.
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
The Six Sets of Six -the Chachakka sutta Recitation
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Bhante reads the sutta MN 148. This is a very powerful sutta on Not-Self and Dependent Origination. Many monks became awakened after listening to this sutta. Perhaps you can too.
Really listen to it and see how it is working in your own mind and how nothing that arises is you.